December is Here!!

Friday, December 2, 2016


This week, we began learning how to read fluently.  Students learned that reading accurately is important and how to use expression when reading.  We will continue to practice reading with expression, using the punctuation when we read and reading at a good rate next week.  In addition, this week, students learned how to read and write words with "l" blends (bl-, cl-, fl-, pl-, gl-, etc).  Next week, we will read and write words with "r" blends (br-, cr-, fr-, pr-, gr-, etc).  

Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday along with bookmarks and tracking sheets.  That way, if needed, I can change their levels and we can keep track of the books they are taking home.

Students have been working hard to publish their personal narratives this week.  Next week, we will explore How to... books and how to write How to... books.

We wrapped up Unit 3 this week by taking our Unit Assessment and reflecting on our goals from the beginning of the unit.  We also took a pretest for Unit 4 and made a goal to work toward during this unit!  Ask your child about their math goal and how they want to accomplish it.  Next week, we will begin unit 4 by learning about measuring length.  Students will use non-standard units of measure (paper clips and pencils) to measure different items in the classroom. They will also learn about errors that can occur when measuring and how to avoid making these errors.

Unit 4 Skills
I can measure length using paper clips and pencils
I can make a bar graph to answer a question
o I can solve addition doubles
o I can add combinations of 10
o I can solve number stories about adding three numbers
o I can find 10 more and 10 less than a number

Unit 4 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
Unit 4 Study Guide

Science/Social Studies:
Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this Empathy Project!  Students have raised over $1,000!  Our Penny Drive ends on Tuesday December 6th.  If you would like to help counting and rolling coins, we will use all the help we can get! Just sign up at this link:

On Wednesday, December 7th, we will take the money raised from the Penny Drive and go to Target to shop for the items that were requested by the family.  We invite you to join us at 4:30 pm at the Target on Wixom road if you are available.

Finally, on Thursday, December 8th, in Cabins, the first graders and other students will be wrapping the gifts we purchase from Target.  If you have any rolls of wrapping paper that you could donate, we would greatly appreciate it.  It does not have to be a brand new roll!  Please send this in by Tuesday, December 6th.

Following Cabins, the first graders will be presenting at our Community Circle.  They will share with the school how much money was raised and how we helped a family in need.  You are welcome to join us for the presentation!  The Community Circle will begin around 9:50 am in the gym.

We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!

December Homework
Here is a link to the December Play Based Homework

Important Dates

November 29-December 6: 1st Grade Empathy Project Penny Drive
December 8: (9:45-10:15am) Cabins and Community Circle 
December 9: Scholastic Book Orders Due
December 15: Buddies (wear Deerfield shirts or green)
December 22: LEAD Time (wear Deerfield shirts or green) and Holiday Celebrations (more information to come)
December 23: Last day of school before winter break
December 24-January 8: Winter Break
January 9: School Resumes

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