Reading:This week, students continued to practice their decoding strategies and digraphs. Next week, we will begin learning about fluency. Students will learn what fluency is and how to read accurately and with expression.
Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday along with bookmarks and tracking sheets. That way, if needed, I can change their levels and we can keep track of the books they are taking home.
Students continued to draft their writing this week. They also had an opportunity to revise and edit their own writing. Next week, we will work on publishing and sharing our personal narratives.
This week, we learned about frames and arrows. We learned how they can be used to add, subtract and skip count. Next week, we will wrap up Unit 3 with our assessment on Wednesday. We will then reflect on our Unit 3 Math Goal and take a pretest for Unit 4. Finally, we will make goals for Unit 4.
Unit 3 Skills
o I can use diagrams to solve number stories
o I can solve number stories
o I can skip count
o I can add and subtract on number lines
o I can figure out frames and arrows rules
o I can keep trying when problems are hard
Unit 3 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
Unit 3 Study Guide
Science/Social Studies:
The first graders have been working very hard to plan a December Service Project. We've been calling it our Empathy Project. Below are some of the details.
1st Grade Community Service Project
While reading books and discussing empathy, the first graders decided they want to help a family in need right here in Novi.
Who: A family found through Novi Youth Assistance
What: Penny Drive! Each penny you put in your grade level bucket is worth 1 point. Every silver coin that you put in another grades bucket will subtract that many points from them (example: if you put a nickel in another grades bucket they will subtract 5 points).
Where: Buckets labeled by grade will be on tables near the office.
When: Tuesday, November 29 through Tuesday, December 6th.
Why: To show our empathy for a family that does not have enough money to buy what they need. What: Penny Drive! Each penny you put in your grade level bucket is worth 1 point. Every silver coin that you put in another grades bucket will subtract that many points from them (example: if you put a nickel in another grades bucket they will subtract 5 points).
Where: Buckets labeled by grade will be on tables near the office.
When: Tuesday, November 29 through Tuesday, December 6th.
We are hoping to have volunteers come in to count coins and/or take coins to be counted at a bank. Please sign up to help if you are available! We will then buy food and clothing for the boy and his mother using the money from the Penny Drive.
Below are some books we read about Empathy and Homelessness to teach students that not everyone has everything they need.
Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting
December by Eve Bunting
The Lady in the Box by Ann McGovern
We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!
November Homework
Here is a link to the November Play Based Homework!
Important Dates
November 24 and 25: No School (Enjoy the holiday!)November 29-December 6: 1st Grade Empathy Project Penny Drive
December 8: (9:45-10:15am) Assembly to share with the rest of the school all of the first graders hard work on their service project. Parents are welcome to come!
December 9: Scholastic Book Orders Due
December 22: Holiday Celebrations (more information to come)
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