We Made It Through the First Week!!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Thank you for a great first week!  I have enjoyed getting to know the students and learning about what they like/dislike, their families, and how they like to learn.   This week, we spent a lot of time, learning about each other and learning about our classroom.  We discussed ways to help ourselves learn best at the carpet, how to stay safe at recess, how to be leaders of our learning, and how to work with others.

Next week, we will continue to learn about one another, but we will also begin some of our reading and math.

Reading: We will introduce how to Read to Self.  Students will learn what they should do during Read to Self time and what the teacher will be doing during that time.  In addition, we will learn how to find "Just Right" books, when to go "book shopping", and where to sit when Reading to Self.  

Math: Our focus next week will be on learning how to write about our math.  Students will learn to look for important parts of word problems and then explain their thinking on how to solve the problem.  We will also learn about our Math by Myself station.  Students will learn to be leaders of their learning in math.  They will learn to try their best and work through the math independently.

Science/Social Studies: In order to prepare students for our science and social studies PBL (Project Based Learning) units, we will learn about Digital Citizenship.  Students will learn how to use the Internet, iPads, and Chromebooks safely.  They will learn to be responsible with technology.

Important Dates
September 14: Curriculum Night
  • 4:30 - 5:30   Julie Bedford presents to Parents
  • 5:30 - 6:30 Kdg., 1st and 2nd grade
  • 6:00 - 6:30   3rd & 4th Specials
  • 6:30 - 7:00   Kdg., 1st & 2nd Specials
  • 6:40 - 7:40   3rd & 4th grade
September 15: LEAD Time (This is something we do during school, but students                        are encouraged to wear Deerfield Spirit wear for it.)
September 22: LEAD Time (Fun Run Kickoff Assembly)
September 23: Scholastic Book Orders are Due (You can order using the                                  magazines or online using our class code: HQP7J.
September 27: DCC Parent Meeting
September 29: Picture Day (Your child should have brought home a flyer today!)

***If you haven't already, please fill out the beginning of the year survey for me to get to know your child a bit more!***

All About Your First Grader

Have a great weekend!!

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