First Grade Curriculum at Deerfield Elementary, Novi Community Schools
All of Novi Schools Curriculum is housed on an online program called Atlas Rubicon. Access it here at any time:
You can see Common Core State Standards at the following website:
All of Novi Schools Curriculum is housed on an online program called Atlas Rubicon. Access it here at any time:
You can see Common Core State Standards at the following website:
Morning Meeting
We start each day with a Morning Meeting. We will begin by greeting each classmate. We will then be going over the calendar, number of the day and important events happening. Next, students will have an opportunity to share. This will help students work on communication skills, build confidence, and listen to each other.
Every Friday at Deerfield will be a "Community Friday". We are encouraging students to wear their Leader In Me shirts, Deerfield/Novi spirit wear, or green. The purpose of these days is to create a community among our entire school.
Friday mornings will be dedicated to teaching leadership through one of three different ways. Some Fridays will be Cabins (K-4 groups). Students are all assigned a Cabin and on Cabin days, they walk to their Cabin group to participate in an activity based around Leader In Me. Other Fridays will be LEAD Time. This will be time in our own classroom/grade level during which we will discuss or do activities focused on leadership. Lastly, some Fridays will be a time to work with our Leadership Buddy classrooms. We will use this time to do leadership activities with our buddies.
Cultures of Thinking
Attached is a document that explains different ways students can make their thinking visible. CoT Applications
Growth Mindset
This year we will be focused on teaching students to have a growth mindset. Rather than saying, "I can't...", we want students to say, "Not yet...". Our focus will be on teaching students that we may not be able to do something right away, but with effort and time, we can learn how to do new things.
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