Science/Social Studies:
Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this Empathy Project! What an incredible group of students, families and community we have! We raised over $2,200 for families in need! The students did such a wonderful job presenting their project to the school and community. Below is a link to a video of their presentation! Thank you again for all of your help! It wouldn't have been possible without you!
Empathy Project Presentation
Empathy Project Animoto
This week, we continued to learn about fluency in reading. Students continued to practice reading with expression! Next week we will practice using the punctuation and reading at the proper rate when we read to help us become better, more fluent readers.
Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday along with bookmarks and tracking sheets. That way, if needed, I can change their levels and we can keep track of the books they are taking home.
As a first grade team, the students created a How To Wrap a Present Book this week! Next week, we would like to continue to learn about writing How To books by writing a How To Make Hot Cocoa book. In order to write this, we will begin by modeling how to make hot cocoa and then have students plan out their book. After making a plan, we want them to test their plan by making hot cocoa themselves to see if their plan has enough detail and description. In order to do this we are asking for your help! Please use the sign up to help by sending in items or coming in to help us on Monday, December 12th if you are available!
Hot Cocoa How To...Sign Up
This week we practiced measuring items using paper clips and pencils. The students learned about common mistakes when measuring and how to avoid those mistakes. Next week, we will learn how to make, interpret, and analyze a bar graph. We will also learn how to add doubles and continue to practice making combinations of 10.
Unit 4 Skills
o I can measure length using paper clips and pencils
o I can make a bar graph to answer a question
o I can solve addition doubles
o I can add combinations of 10
o I can solve number stories about adding three numbers
o I can find 10 more and 10 less than a number
Unit 4 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
Unit 4 Study Guide
We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!
December Homework
Here is a link to the December Play Based Homework!
Week of December 19-23
In the spirit of community and to have some fun the week before Winter Break, the school will be having some themed days. Each day will have a different theme and at some point during the day or throughout the day, we will read books and do activities that go with that theme.Monday, December 19th - Traditions (We will learn about Hannukah and Kwanzaa)
Tuesday, December 20th - Gingerbread Man Day
Wednesday, December 21st - Grinch Day - Wear green!
Thursday, December 22nd - Holiday Party/Game Day - Wear Holiday clothing
Friday, December 23rd - Sing Along/PJ Day
Important Dates
December 12: Hot Cocoa How To... Modeling and TestingDecember 14: Holiday Shop (4:30-8:00)
December 15: Holiday Shop (4:30-8:00)
December 15: Buddies (wear Deerfield shirts or green)
December 22: LEAD Time and Holiday Celebration - 10:30-11:15 (use this link to sign up to help: Holiday Party Sign Up)
December 23: Last day of school before winter break
December 24-January 8: Winter Break
January 9: School Resumes
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