April 21, 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017


**Earth Day - This Saturday, April 22, the Kroger on Grand River in Novi will have paper bags decorated by the students of Deerfield in honor of Earth Day.  After shopping, you can choose to use one of these bags to take your items home in!  Enjoy!

**Family Fun Night Basket - At Family Fun Night on May 1st there is a raffle for classroom baskets.  Each classroom has a theme for their basket...ours is Road Trip.  We need to collect items to put in this basket by April 26th!  Items include things such as travel games, blankets, travel pillow, gas gift cards, fast food gift cards, flashlight, cards, first aid kit, coloring books, activity books, etc.  

**YearbooksThe deadline to order the 2016-2017 Deerfield Yearbook is May 1st.  Please follow the link to order your child’s yearbook on-line today!  ybpay.lifetouch.com and use Yearbook ID code 3738317 

**Leadership Week
Sunday: Habit 1--Be Proactive. Think about how you are going to be proactive this week.
Monday: Habit 2--Begin with the End in Mind. Wear your clothing backwards day.
Tuesday: Habit 3--Put First Things First. Pajama day!
Wednesday: Habit 6--Synergize. Wear your favorite team jersey or colors.
Thursday: Habit 4--Think Win-Win. Wear your Leader in Me shirt.
Friday: Habit 5--Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood. Dress for success!
Saturday: Habit 7--Sharpen the Saw. Take care of yourself and do something fun with your family.

This week, we learned about non-fiction text features.  Students learned that authors use these features to help readers better understand what they are reading.  Next week, we will continue with this and also begin researching Chicks (shh...this is a secret until Monday! ;) ).  Finally, next week, students will learn about suffixes.  They will learn what they are and how they change the meaning of a word.

Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday along with bookmarks and tracking sheets.  That way, if needed, I can change their levels and we can keep track of the books they are taking home.

This week we wrote a persuasive writing about Earth Day.  Next week, we will work on writing for our Celebration of Learning. 

This week we wrapped up Unit 7.  I would like to have students take the test for Unit 7 on Monday.  We will then reflect on our goal from the beginning of the unit and take a pretest on Unit 8.  We will not begin Unit 8 lessons until the following week.

Unit 7 Skills
I can write fact families
I can think addition to subtract
o I can use subtraction strategies
o I can name a rule used to sort shapes
o I can check whether my answer makes sense
o I can tell time to the hour
o I can find an unknown number using "What's My Rule?"

Unit 7 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Social Studies/Science
This week we continued to learn about the past by reading letters from some of our Grandparents!  It has been so much fun to read them and hear how things were the same/different!  In addition, we learned about relative and absolute location.  Next week, as you know, we will begin our Life Cycle science unit (Chicks).  

We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!

April Homework
Here is a link to the April Play Based Homework

Important Dates

April 26: Family Fun Night Basket items due
April 28: Leadership Day: A Celebration of Learning (1:15-3:30)
May 5: Family Fun Night (6-9pm)
May 15: Field Trip to Tollgate Farms (more information to come)
May 26: Chick Sharing Day (9:30am) - THIS IS A SECRET TO STUDENTS!!  Students will be putting together a presentation on what they learn during our Chick Life Cycle PBL unit that they will share on this day.  You are invited to come and see all of their hard work.  We will let you know more as it gets closer, but please DO NOT tell the students!  It will be more authentic and fun for them if this is a surprise!  Thank you!
May 29: No School

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