The students have learned many strategies to help them when they are stuck on words in their reading. When you are reading with your child or listening to them read, please remind them to try these strategies before you tell them the word. It will help to build their independence as readers and will make them very proud when they figure it out on their own! Next week, we will learn to keep trying!

Book Baggies:
Students brought home six books. Two books below their level so that they can practice fluency, two books on their level to help them practice decoding strategies and other skills we're learning in class, and two books above level to help students push themselves as readers. Books should be returned every Thursday. If your child feels the books are too easy for them, that is okay. They can build their fluency and confidence as readers. Levels will change throughout the year, but they will NOT change weekly.
As writers, we've learned many ways to revise and now edit our writing. We will continue to learn ways to make our personal narrative writing better in the next couple weeks, by writing better leads and endings.
We are continuing to practice solving addition and subtraction word problems within 10 and showing our thinking. The students are learning to use number lines, number grids, and different diagrams (part-total, change to more/less), to help them when they solve word problems. They are also learning to write number models (equations) to represent their thinking. We will continue to work on solving word problems as well as practice counting and fact fluency within 10.

The students have learned so much about air and wind, weather patterns and the sky. This week and next week, the students have been working and will continue to work on showing all that they have learned. They are putting together all the main ideas and creating ways to show their learning on a bulletin board for all to see. Please take a look when you are here for conferences next Tuesday!
Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!
- Read every night
- Work on a math skill (i.e. counting forwards and backwards within 120, adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume - have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.)
Specials Schedule
Monday: P.E. (Wear tennis shoes)Tuesday: Art (Bring an Art shirt labeled with your child's name)
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Media/Library
Friday: Rotates (See the back of your child's OWL folder (everyday folder) for a schedule.)
Important Dates
November 12: Conferences (Please use this link if you do not remember your time - )
November 13: Picture Retakes
November 15: Bagels with Buddies (8:15 AM-8:45 AM)
November 25: Multicultural Feast
November 27-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 6: No School - record's Day
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