Week 6 - October 12, 2018

Friday, October 12, 2018


Students are now in to our rotations.  Next week, we will begin learning decoding strategies to help when we come to words we don't know in our reading.  In addition, students are learning new sight words each week.  This week, we will also be learning to separate word sounds into their onset and rime and blend words using their onset and rime (which can help when decoding words and when trying to write/spell words).

Book Baggies:
Many students forgot their book baggies today.  Please help them remember them next week Friday.  I would like them to have an opportunity to read different books.

We have been reading personal narratives all week.  Students are listening and thinking how they can use ideas from these mentor texts in their own writing.  Some things we've noticed are that authors write across pages, they use onomatopoeia, they tell stories in order (they have a beginning, middle and end), they include details, dialogue, feelings, thoughts and actions.  Next week, we will be generating ideas for our own personal narratives and beginning to write them. 

Our focus in math has been adding and subtracting within 10 and explaining our thinking/strategies when solving addition/subtraction word problems. We will continue to practice these skills next week.  In addition, we will learn how to use tallies to collect data and then put that data into a graph.    

IXL Skills - Use these activities as you wish to help your child with the skills we will be working on throughout this first trimester.

Science/Social Studies:
This week, the students continued to learn about air and wind.  We made an anemometer and were able to try to use it this week.  We also made pinwheels and learned how they are similar to anemometers.  The students had an opportunity to use these pinwheels outside to see how meteorologists use anemometers as tools to measure wind speed.

Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. counting forwards and backwards within 120, adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 

Specials Schedule

Monday: P.E. (Wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday: Art (Bring an Art shirt labeled with your child's name)
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Media/Library
Friday: Rotates (See the back of your child's OWL folder (everyday folder) for a schedule.)

Important Dates

October 15-19: Spirit Week - $1/day for the spirit wear to help us meet our goal
  • Monday 10/15-  Favorite College Team Day
  • Tuesday 10/16- Hat Day
  • Wednesday 10/17- Pajama Day
  • Thursday 10/18- Green and White-  Go Novi Wildcats Day

October 19: Color Run
October 26: Trunk or Treat (5pm)
October 31: Halloween Parade (AM), Fall Celebration (after the parade around 10:00 AM-11:30 AM)

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