Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers). These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading. It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books! We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday. (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.) If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.
This week the students took their Unit 9 Test. Following the test, we began reviewing measurement.
Unit 9 Skills
o I can identify the number of tens and ones in a two-digit number and the value of each digit.
o I can use place value understanding to record comparisons of two-digit numbers using relation symbols (<,>,=).
o I can mentally add 10 more and 10 less.
o I can use strategies to subtract multiples of 10 from numbers within 100.
o I can measure the length of an object using same-sized units.
o I can partition shapes into two and four equal shares and name the shares.
Unit 9 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 8 Assessment.
Unit 9 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!
- Read every night
- Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume - have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.)
Important Dates
May 18 - PBL Sharing and Celebration of Learning (PM)
1:15-2:00 3rd and 4th Grade Classroom Celebrations
2:10-2:35 Community Circle
2:45-3:30 K, 1st, 2nd Grade Classroom Celebrations
***Specials Teachers will be available for student/parent visits
May 28 - Memorial Day - No School
May 29 - All School Field Trip to Henry Ford (9:30-1:30)- This is paid for by the DCC, but please make sure to return your permission slip. Also, we will take any and all volunteers in first grade.
June 13 - Field Day (K-2: 9:00-11:05 am)
June 14 - Rain Date for Field Day
June 15 - Last Day of School - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal)
1:15-2:00 3rd and 4th Grade Classroom Celebrations
2:10-2:35 Community Circle
2:45-3:30 K, 1st, 2nd Grade Classroom Celebrations
***Specials Teachers will be available for student/parent visits
May 28 - Memorial Day - No School
May 29 - All School Field Trip to Henry Ford (9:30-1:30)- This is paid for by the DCC, but please make sure to return your permission slip. Also, we will take any and all volunteers in first grade.
June 13 - Field Day (K-2: 9:00-11:05 am)
June 14 - Rain Date for Field Day
June 15 - Last Day of School - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal)
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