Celebration of Chicks - The students did a wonderful job on their Celebration of Chicks presentation! Please check your email for a video and for a link to the presentation. Thank you to all of the families who were able to make it! The students were very happy to have you here!
Framed Artwork - Mrs. North wanted you to know that you can purchase the framed artwork up until next Wednesday, May 31st. http://www.novi.k12.mi. us/downloads/df_docs/last_ chance_2017_deerfield_ elementary_school.pdf
** Note on Finger Spinners - We know students really enjoy these, however, it would be helpful if they were kept at home. Students are using them at inappropriate times and I am afraid that one will get lost. Thank you for your help!
Framed Artwork - Mrs. North wanted you to know that you can purchase the framed artwork up until next Wednesday, May 31st. http://www.novi.k12.mi.
** Note on Finger Spinners - We know students really enjoy these, however, it would be helpful if they were kept at home. Students are using them at inappropriate times and I am afraid that one will get lost. Thank you for your help!
We finished our Chick/Life Cycle unit. Next week, we will continue to encourage the independent learning that students demonstrated during our chick/life cycle unit. Next week, we will begin what we call "Genius Hour". Students will pick a topic that they want to become a "genius" in. Then, they will research to learn about that topic. Finally, they will write about what they learn to share with others. It would be great if over the long weekend, you talk with your child about what topic they might be interested in and what they might want to explore (i.e. an animal, a famous person, a piece of technology, a place, some type of weather, a planet or something in space, etc.). Please make sure their topic is not too broad. We want them to be able to research it in a couple days.
Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday. They will NO LONGER get books to take home after next week! We need to return ALL of the books to the book room.
This week our focus was on solving two-digit addition and subtraction number stories. Next week, students will review how to compare numbers using >, <, or =, place value, 3D shapes and equal shares (fractions). We will take our test on Unit 9 the following week.
Unit 9 Skills
o I can measure length
o I can add and subtract large numbers
o I can compare strategies
o I can identify 3D shapes and make new shapes
o I can make and name equal shares
Unit 9 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!
May Homework
Here is a link to the May Play Based Homework!
Important Dates
May 29: Memorial Day - No School
June 14: Field Day