
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Below are updates for some events coming up.

Diwali Volunteers:

So far I have one volunteer to help us discuss Diwali on Friday, October 28th.  If anyone else would like to help, I would love more volunteers!  After discussing the holiday, we will be doing a couple crafts related to the holiday.  I would love for you to stay and help with that as well!  It will probably take about an hour of your time.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping out!

Sinking and Floating:

On Monday, October 31st, students will have an opportunity to learn about sinking and floating by testing whether certain candies float or sink.  In order to do this, we are asking that each child bring in 10 snack size pieces of candy (any candy...it WILL NOT be eaten).  For example, 10 Starburst, 10 Whoppers (not packages, simply 10 small whoppers), 10 Skittles, 10 sticks of gum, etc.  Please do not send in candy with nuts.  You can send this in any time between now and Halloween.   Thank you for your help!

Volunteer Opportunity:

On Friday, November 4th, I need one more volunteer from our classroom to come in to help us put together some picture frames of student work and hang the work in the alcove near our wing.  If you are interested and have time (it may take a couple hours), please let me know!  You will be working with parents from the other 1st grade classrooms as well.  We will be starting this in the morning (probably around 9:15 or 9:30).


As you know our Halloween parade is next Monday, October 31st at 9:20.  We will have the 1st and 2nd grade party from 10:20-11:20.  If you're interested in volunteering you may sign up using the following link: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0c4ea5ab2fa4fc1-1st2nd/6469634.  As for costumes, students are asked to wear their costumes to school that day over top of their normal school clothing.  After the parade/party, students will be changing to their normal clothes so that nothing happens to their costumes throughout the day.  Please remember costumes should be school appropriate, no weapons or masks!  Also, it is best not to send in any accessories as they could be lost.  

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