Reading:The decoding strategy we learned about this week was Stretchy/Slippery Snake. Students learned to point to the word and say each sound to figure out unknown words. We talked about how you can use this strategy along with our other decoding strategies to help you read tricky words. Students also learned words with the short i vowel pattern. Next week, we will learn about Chunky Monkey (chunk the parts of the word you know), and the short o vowel pattern.
Book Baggies:
Please remember, we change out our book baggie books every Friday. Please help the students keep their books organized by always keeping them in their baggie. Included in the bag, was a bookmark and a tracking sheet. Please keep these with the bag. One side is for us to track how many books each student has and for you to verify that they did bring these books home. The other side is for students to track their reading at home. For each day they read 15-20 minutes, students should color in a star.
In writing, students have been learning how to revise and edit their personal narratives about Fun Run. They are now working on their final copies. I hope to have them finish their final copies early next week, so that they can begin a new personal narrative on a story of their choice.
This week, we learned how to use diagrams to help organize our thinking when solving math problems. We learned to use the Change-to-More and Change-to-Less diagrams. In addition, we learned how to write number models that go with these diagrams and how to find unknowns. Next week, we will review for our Unit 2 test and take our assessment on Wednesday. We will then look back at the goals we made for Unit 2 and reflect on if we met our goals. Finally, we will take our Unit 3 Pretest and then make a goal for Unit 3.
Unit 2 Skills
o I can find pairs of numbers that add to 10
o I can use strategies to add
o I can label my counts
o I can explain how I solved problems
o I can write number models
Unit 2 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.
Unit 2 Study Guide
Science/Social Studies:
Family Unit:
This week we discussed what our families do and and how we are similar and different. Next week we will take a break from this unit in order to learn about properties of objects and sinking and floating.
Sinking and Floating Unit:
Next week, students will have an opportunity to test whether certain candies float or sink. In order to do this, we are asking that each child bring in 10 snack size pieces of candy (any candy WITHOUT will NOT be eaten). For example, 10 Starburst, 10 Whoppers (not packages, simply 10 individual whoppers), 10 Skittles, 10 sticks of gum, etc. You can send this in any time between now and Halloween! Thank you for your help!
Cardboard Play:
Students really enjoy playing with cardboard and being creative with it! If you have any old shoe, cereal, tissue, etc. boxes, please send them in any time for us to use! We could also use egg cartons or paper towel/toilet paper rolls.
This week we had the opportunity to learn about a holiday called Diwali. Thank you Dr. Ely for coming in to teach the students why and how the holiday is celebrated! Students had a great time learning about it! Ask your child about what they learned!
November Homework
Here is a link to the November Play Based Homework!
Important Dates
October 31: Halloween Parade (9:20am)1st/2nd grade Halloween Party (10:20-11:20 - See the previous email about volunteering opportunities for this! You must have a Volunteer Background Check form on file if you choose to volunteer!)
Background Check Form
November 1: The Sign-Up Genius for Conferences will be sent out
November 2: Unit 2 Math Assessment
November 3: LEAD Time (Wear Deerfield shirts or green)
November 4: End of 1st Marking Period
November 8: Election Day (No School)
November 10: Buddy Time (Wear Deerfield shirts or green)
November 11: Report Cards go Home
November 15: Conferences (1-4pm, 5-7pm)