Week 31 - April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019 No comments

Family Fun Night

Thank you for your support so far.  Just a reminder that Family Fun Night will be held on Friday, May 3rd.  At Family Fun Night, one of the activities is a raffle for different baskets.  Each classroom puts together their own basket to be bid on that night.  Our classroom basket theme is Sports.  I am asking for your help in putting together our basket.  If you could send in a small monetary donation or items that relate to sports, it would be greatly appreciated.  Examples of items include tennis rackets, tennis balls, golf balls, basketballs, soccer balls, water bottles, cooler, wagon, baseballs, baseball mitt, frisbees, foldable chairs, etc.  Just think about what your kids like to do in summer related to sports!  Anything is appreciated!  All donations are due by Thursday, May 2nd so that we have time to put the basket together before Family Fun Night.


This week students read non-fiction articles and learned to identify the main idea and supporting details in an article.  We will continue this learning next week in both our reading and science lessons.  Students are learning to use the text features to help them identify what the article is about.

Book Baggies:
Please help the students remember to bring their book baggies every Friday.  I would like them to have an opportunity to read different books.

In writing, the students have been working on their first informational writing piece.  This first writing has been very guided.  We planned together and have been writing each piece (introduction, three middles, conclusion) together to help them learn how to write an informational piece of writing.  As we continue through the unit, we will give less and less guidance to help them get to a point where they can write the informational writing more independently.

In math, we've been learning about 3D shapes.  The students are learning to identify them based on their faces, edges and vertices.  Next week, we will learn to partition shapes using different shapes.  For example, the students will learn to make a hexagon using two trapezoids, or to make a hexagon with six triangles.

IXL Skills - Use these activities as you wish to help your child with the skills we will be working on throughout this third trimester.

Science/Social Studies:
This week the students learned all about an incubator.  Our eggs arrived and they had to know where we would put the eggs to keep them safe.  Next week, we will begin learning about the egg and its development.  As a part of our learning we will be reading articles and writing about the egg.

Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night (you can read with your child, listen to them read or read to them - all of it helps).  Then talk about the book - who are the characters, what happened, why did it happen, make connections, what's the main idea, why did the author write the book, how did the author give you information, what features did the author use to help you as a reader
  • Work on a math skill  
    • counting forwards and backwards within 120 (and skip counting)
    • adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this
    • telling time (What are the hands on the clock? How is a clock set up?)
    • identify and count coins
    • measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this
    • talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 

Specials Schedule

Monday: P.E. (Wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday: Art (Bring an Art shirt labeled with your child's name)
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Media/Library
Friday: Rotates (See the back of your child's OWL folder (everyday folder) for a schedule.)

Important Dates

May 3: Family Fun Night at Paradise Park (6-9pm)
May 6: Field Trip to Tollgate Farm
May 8: Bike to School Day
May 8 and May 10: NWEA Testing
May 17: Celebration of Learning
1:15-2:00 K-2
2:05-2:35 Community Circle
2:40-3:30 3-4
May 22: Art Festival (6-8pm)
May 23: Drop off chicks at Tollgate Farm (4:15ish)
May 27: No School (Memorial Day)
May 31: Chick Sharing Day (2:30pm)

Week 30 - April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019 No comments


This week we've been reading non-fiction texts.  We've been noticing and identifying the different text features used in non-fiction writing.  We've talked about why authors use these features and how they help us as readers.  Next week, we will continue to notice these text features but we will also focus on learning to identify the main idea in a text.

Book Baggies:
Please help the students remember to bring their book baggies every Friday.  I would like them to have an opportunity to read different books.

Our reading and writing units this week have gone together.  As writer's we've been learning about text features to think about how we might use them in our own writing.  Next week, we will begin to write some nonfiction writing.

This week, we reviewed 2D shapes (their names, number of vertices and sides).  Next week, we will move on to 3D shapes.  Students will learn to identify the shapes and describe them using the terms faces, vertices and edges.

IXL Skills - Use these activities as you wish to help your child with the skills we will be working on throughout this third trimester.

Science/Social Studies:
Students have been thinking about the challenge that Miss Ellen gave us all week.  We've been coming up with questions, sorting our questions and trying to think about where to start our learning in order to be prepared when these eggs arrive next week.  Next week, we will begin researching so that we can be ready for the eggs.

Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night (you can read with your child, listen to them read or read to them - all of it helps).  Then talk about the book - who are the characters, what happened, why did it happen, make connections, what's the main idea, why did the author write the book, how did the author give you information, what features did the author use to help you as a reader
  • Work on a math skill  
    • counting forwards and backwards within 120 (and skip counting)
    • adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this
    • telling time (What are the hands on the clock? How is a clock set up?)
    • identify and count coins
    • measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this
    • talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 

Specials Schedule

Monday: P.E. (Wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday: Art (Bring an Art shirt labeled with your child's name)
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Media/Library
Friday: Rotates (See the back of your child's OWL folder (everyday folder) for a schedule.)

Important Dates

April 19: No School
May 3: Family Fun Night at Paradise Park (6-9pm)
May 6: Field Trip to Tollgate Farm
May 8: Bike to School Day
May 8 and May 10: NWEA Testing
May 17: Celebration of Learning
1:15-2:00 K-2
2:05-2:35 Community Circle
2:40-3:30 3-4
May 22: Art Festival (6-8pm)
May 23: Drop off chicks at Tollgate Farm (4:15ish)
May 27: No School (Memorial Day)
May 31: Chick Sharing Day (2:30pm)

Week 29 - April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019 No comments


This week, we wrapped up our Character Series unit by reading some Amelia Bedelia books.  Next week, we will begin our Information Reading unit.  Students will learn about different text features that author's use to help their readers better understand their topic.

Book Baggies:
Please help the students remember to bring their book baggies every Friday.  I would like them to have an opportunity to read different books.

We finished our unit on personal narratives this week.  We reviewed different leads, endings and how to revise/edit our writing.  We also went back through to see the process we had gone through to make our writing great.  Next week, we will begin our Informational Writing unit which will go along with our reading and science units.

In math, we finished Unit 7 on different subtraction strategies.  Next week, we will begin Unit 8 which focuses on geometry and fractions.  Next week, we will review 2D shapes.

IXL Skills - Use these activities as you wish to help your child with the skills we will be working on throughout this third trimester.

Science/Social Studies:
In science this week, we've been reviewing what we've learned about plant parts and their purpose.  In addition, we looked at how plants adapt to survive their environment.  Plus, we started thinking about how we have parts that help us survive and how we adapt to survive our environments.  Finally, Miss Ellen came from Tollgate Farm to challenge us.  She asked us to help her hatch some chicken eggs!  The students said they would love to help!  Next week, we will begin thinking about how we can help her do that.  

Purposeful Play
Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night (you can read with your child, listen to them read or read to them - all of it helps).  Then talk about the book - who are the characters, what happened, why did it happen, make connections, what's the main idea, why did the author write the book, how did the author give you information, what features did the author use to help you as a reader
  • Work on a math skill  
    • counting forwards and backwards within 120 (and skip counting)
    • adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this
    • telling time (What are the hands on the clock? How is a clock set up?)
    • identify and count coins
    • measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this
    • talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 

Specials Schedule

Monday: P.E. (Wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday: Art (Bring an Art shirt labeled with your child's name)
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Media/Library
Friday: Rotates (See the back of your child's OWL folder (everyday folder) for a schedule.)

Important Dates

April 19: No School
May 3: Family Fun Night at Paradise Park (6-9pm)
May 8: Bike to School Day
May 17: Celebration of Learning (schedule to come later)
May 22: Art Festival
May 27: No School (Memorial Day)