Week 11 - November 17, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017 No comments

Multicultural Feast

Our annual Multicultural Feast is next Monday, November 20, 2017 during lunches. We will need parent volunteers to set up, serve food, and clean up to help make this event a success. Please see feast times and sign up genius links below.

Lach/Passeggiato/1st Grade: 11:10-11:50

Stewart/Scott/2nd Grade: 11:50-12:30

Seaver/Anderson/Henry/Jeung: 12:20-1:00

Champe/Stevenson/Sauchak/McCurdy/Thompson: 12:40-1:20



Students have now learned all of the decoding strategies.  When they are reading, they should try any and all of them before asking for help when they come to a word they do not know.  In addition to decoding strategies, students will continue to explore words with blends.  We will learn to read and write words with the s blend (ie. snack, slack, stack, etc.).

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday. 

Students have been working very hard to improve their writing this week.  We've learned to include feelings, transition words, thoughts and dialogue.  Next week, I hope to have students edit/revise and then write final copies.

Students have been learning to skip count using frames and arrows and number lines.  Next week, we will review and take our Unit 3 test.

Unit 3 Skills
o I can compare two numbers within 20 using >, <, =.
o I can solve parts-and-total number stories within 10 (word problems).
o I can solve frames and arrows problems with addition (skip counting).
o I can solve number stories using a number line.
o I can find the unknown number of hops between two numbers.
o I can use a number line to skip count.

Unit 3 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 3 Assessment.

Unit 3 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

This week, we explored magnets a bit.  We will continue to explore them next week.

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • November Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

November 22 - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal - no lunch) - Thanksgiving break begins
November 23-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - School Resumes

Week 10 - November 10, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017 No comments
Report Cards
In the past, we marked every learning strand that we taught. For example, in math we would have marked every learning goal for both units that we have taught and we would not mark those again after the first marking period. A parent survey found that these cards had too much information that was not meaningful to parents.

Our new report cards are based on the end of the year goals for first grade. That means you will not be seeing straight 3's even if your child is progressing as expected at this time. Instead, it is likely that your child will be receiving a majority of 1's and 2's since they have not yet met (and we haven't taught/assessed) the end of the year goals. Using the example of math again, this marking period only assesses two learning standards, adding within 20 and subtracting within 20. We started teaching both of those standards this marking period but since our curriculum spirals, we will continue teaching those concepts throughout the year. Therefore, you will not see a 3 until we have finished teaching everything within that standard. The same goes for writing. We have started teaching writing informational writing and conventions, but we have not finished teaching them or assessing them, so even if your child is progressing as expected you will likely see 2s because we are not done teaching these skills.

Behavior, reading, social studies, and specials will be marked as they currently apply to your child so 3's are possible and are the goal for this time of year. It is common for behavior to fluctuate throughout the year and it's important for you to get an accurate portrayal of how their current behavior is.



This week we learned to decode unknown words using Stretchy Snake and Chunky Monkey. Next week, we will learn to use Skippy Frog and how to monitor and clarify the meaning of text.  Skippy Frog says to skip the unknown word and then come back to it to see if the sentence can help you figure it out.  In addition to decoding strategies, students will continue to explore words with blends.  We will learn to read and write words with the r blend (ie. crayon, crush, brush, brake, friend, frog, etc.)

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday. 

We started planning our second personal narrative this week.  Students also added transition words.  Next week we will look at adding feelings and dialogue to our writing.

This week, we continued to practice solving addition word problems as well as find the missing addend in addition problems.  Next week, we will learn more about skip counting using frames and arrows or number lines.

Unit 3 Skills
o I can compare two numbers within 20 using >, <, =.
o I can solve parts-and-total number stories within 10 (word problems).
o I can solve frames and arrows problems with addition (skip counting).
o I can solve number stories using a number line.
o I can find the unknown number of hops between two numbers.
o I can use a number line to skip count.

Unit 3 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 3 Assessment.

Unit 3 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

We wrapped up our learning on sorting objects and began to explore magnets.  We read about them, watched a BrainpopJr video and played with them to explore and learn about them.

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • November Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

November 14 - Conferences (to remind you of what time you signed up, you may go to the following link:http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a44a4a92ea5fe3-2017)
November 14 - 1/2 Day for conferences (12:30 dismissal - no lunch)
November 22 - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal - no lunch) - Thanksgiving break begins
November 23-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - School Resumes

Week 9 - November 3, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017 No comments



This week we learned to decode unknown words using the Eagle Eye and Lips the Fish strategies. Next week, we will learn to use Stretchy Snake and Chunky Monkey.  Stretchy Snake says to stretch out each sound and then blend them together to figure out unknown words.  Chunky Monkey says to look for chunks in the word that you know to help you decode the word.  In addition to decoding strategies, students will begin to explore words with blends.  We will learn to read and write words with the l blend (ie. blend, blue, black, clue, clam, flight, fly, flag, etc.)

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.  If anyone is available to help with exchanging book baggies on Fridays at about 3:15, I'd love some help!

Next week, students will begin a new personal narrative.  We will start with the planning phase of the writing process.

This week we worked on solving number stories using different strategies.  Students also explored how to compare numbers.  Next week, we will continue to solve number stories and also work more on missing addends but using a number line to solve them.

Unit 3 Skills
o I can compare two numbers within 20 using >, <, =.
o I can solve parts-and-total number stories within 10 (word problems).
o I can solve frames and arrows problems with addition (skip counting).
o I can solve number stories using a number line.
o I can find the unknown number of hops between two numbers.
o I can use a number line to skip count.

Unit 3 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 3 Assessment.

Unit 3 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Students learned to sort objects by different characteristics (color, shape, size, texture, etc).  We also explored sinking and floating with objects and learned why some objects float and some sink.  Next week, we continue to work on sorting objects by their properties and, if time allows, begin exploring magnets.

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • November Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

November 7 - No School
November 14 - Conferences (Please sign up if you haven't already:http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a44a4a92ea5fe3-2017)
November 22 - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal - no lunch) - Thanksgiving break begins
November 23-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - School Resumes