Week 8 - October 27, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017 No comments


Halloween/Color Fun Run

9:25 Halloween Parade
Students can come to school in their Halloween costume.  It must be worn OVER their regular clothes.  Immediately following the parade, students will take off their costumes and put them in their back packs to take home.  Please remember, masks and weapons are not permitted.  If you would like to attend the parade, you will line up outside around the bus circle.  Students will parade around the circle a couple times for you to see them.

2:00 Color Fun Run

Students will put on their oversized white shirt that you sent in.  They will run and be provided a snack after. 

Next week we will begin to learn to decode unknown words.  Students will be learning different decoding strategies that will help them as readers.  The first decoding strategy is called "Eagle Eye".  Eagle Eye reminds students to look at the picture to see if it can help them to figure out unknown words.  We will also wrap up our learning on short vowels next week.

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.  If anyone is available to help with exchanging book baggies on Fridays at about 3:15, I'd love some help!

Next week, students will finish their personal narratives.  We will then learn about dialogue and how to use it in our writing so that they can try it in their next personal narrative.

We wrapped up Unit 2 this week.  Next week, students will begin Unit 3.  The our focus next week will be on comparing numbers using symbols (>,<,=).

Unit 3 Skills
o I can compare two numbers within 20 using >, <, =.
o I can solve parts-and-total number stories within 10 (word problems).
o I can solve frames and arrows problems with addition (skip counting).
o I can solve number stories using a number line.
o I can find the unknown number of hops between two numbers.
o I can use a number line to skip count.

Unit 3 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 3 Assessment.

Unit 3 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Next week, we will begin learning about different attributes of objects.  We will then explore sinking and floating.
On Wednesday, November 1st, students will have an opportunity to learn about sinking and floating by testing whether certain candies float or sink.  In order to do this, we are asking that each child bring in 10 snack size pieces of candy (any candy...it WILL NOT be eaten).  For example, 10 Starburst, 10 Whoppers (not packages, simply 10 small whoppers), 10 Skittles, 10 sticks of gum, etc.  Please do not send in candy with nuts.  You can send this in any time between now and Halloween.   Thank you for your help!

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • October Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

October 31 - 9:25AM Halloween Parade; 2:00PM Color Fun Run
November 7 - No School
November 14 - Conferences (I will be sending out a sign up genius for scheduling soon.)
November 22 - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal - no lunch) - Thanksgiving break begins
November 23-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - School Resumes

Week 7 - October 20, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017 No comments


Our learning words sound will be the short u next week as in umbrella.  We will also continue to read stories and discuss them as a whole group and in smaller groups.

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.  If anyone is available to help with exchanging book baggies on Fridays at about 3:15, I'd love some help!

This week, we learned how to add feelings to our writing.  Rather than saying she's excited.  You might say, her heart was pounding, she couldn't stop smiling and she jumped up and down with joy!  We also talked about adding transition words to our writing (i.e. then, next, last, finally, first, also, in addition, etc.).  Next week, we will focus on our endings.  

This week our focus has been on using the change to more and change to less diagrams.  Students are learning how these can be helpful when solving addition or subtraction word problems.  Next week, we will learn how to solve missing addend problems and how to count on.  We will then, hopefully, review for our test and take our Unit 2 test next week.

Unit 2 Skills
o I can use the turn around rule (add numbers in any order to get the same answer).
o I can use the change-to-more or change-to-less diagrams to solve number stories.
o I can add and subtract within 10 using combinations of 10.
o I can answer simple questions about a tally chart.
o I can count and represent a number of objects within 20 using a written numeral.

Unit 2 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 2 Assessment.

Unit 2 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Social Studies
We finished our book!  If you haven't seen it, please check out Seesaw.  It is uploaded there.  The last several days, we've been discussing the idea of a star citizen.  Ask your child about it! :)

Today during LEAD, we got together as a whole first grade.  We read the book The Invisible Boy.  The story is about a boy, Brian, who feels invisible in his classroom because the other kids do not ask him to play, they don't eat with him, or invite him to birthday parties.  This all changes when a new student arrives and begins including Brian in different activities.  After reading, we did a thinking routine called Step Inside.  The goal is to get our students to put themselves in Brian's shoes.  Then to show their thinking on what Brian notices/sees/observes, what he knows/believes/understands, what he cares deeply about and what he wonders/questions.  

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • October Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

October 23-October 27 - Don't forget to send in your suggested $55 dollar donation before the 27th for the Color Fun Run! :)
October 27 - Favorite Team Day (Bring in a dollar or more to donate to the DF Fall Fun Color Run and wear your favorite team gear)
November 7 - No School
November 22 - 1/2 Day (12:30 dismissal - no lunch) - Thanksgiving break begins
November 23-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - School Resumes

Week 6 - October 13, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017 No comments


Students continue to practice the Daily 5 routine and learned about the short i sound.  Next week, we will continue to practice these routines and the skills at each station.  At listen to reading, the students are hearing reading read fluently so that they learn to read fluently as well.  At read to self, they are practicing decoding unknown words and they are reading different texts to learn or for enjoyment.  At learning words, students work with different word patterns and practice finding and writing words with that pattern (i.e. short o).  At practice writing, they are able to practice writing letters, stories, book or movie reviews, and more.  Students can also continue working on the current writing unit we are working on (personal narratives).  Finally, at teacher time, we are working on skills that the different students need.  We may be practicing more with the current learning words skill, reading sight words, learning new vocabulary words, reading together and answering questions about our reading.

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.  If anyone is available to help with exchanging book baggies on Fridays at about 3:15, I'd love some help!

In writing, we have been planning personal narrative stories.  In the coming weeks, students will be learning to edit and revise their writing for certain things.  They will learn to revise the lead, use transition words, add details about their feelings/thoughts/dialogue, and how to write good endings.

We worked really hard this week on learning how to make 10 and how to use the turn around rule.  We are learning how both of these skills can help us with other math problems.  Next week, I hope to teach the students about using the change to more and change to less diagrams to help us solve number stories.

Unit 2 Skills
o I can use the turn around rule (add numbers in any order to get the same answer).
o I can use the change-to-more or change-to-less diagrams to solve number stories.
o I can add and subtract within 10 using combinations of 10.
o I can answer simple questions about a tally chart.
o I can count and represent a number of objects within 20 using a written numeral.

Unit 2 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 2 Assessment.

Unit 2 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Social Studies
Well our Citizenship project has taken us longer than expected.  We now have all of the final pages ready for us to put in a book to share.

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • October Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

October 16-October 27 - Don't forget to send in your suggested $55 dollar donation before the 27th for the Color Fun Run! :)
October 16 - October Scholastic Book Order Due
October 20 - Hat Day (Bring in a dollar or more to donate to the DF Fall Fun Color Run and wear your hat). 
October 27 - Favorite Team Day (Bring in a dollar or more to donate to the DF Fall Fun Color Run and wear your favorite team gear)

Week 5 - October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017 No comments


We are into our Daily 5 routine now.  Students are reading to self, listening to reading, practicing writing and learning words every day.  The word pattern we learned this week was short e.  Next week we will learn the short i pattern.  

Book Baggies:
Students have 6 books in their bag (two below their reading level to help them work on fluency, two at their level to focus on good reading skills, and two above level to continue to push and grow as readers).  These bags will stay at home all week for students to practice reading.  It is good to encourage reading and rereading of these books!  We will exchange books on Fridays, so please have students return these books next Friday.  (Just FYI, Library books are sent in on Thursday.)  If a student forgets or is absent one week, they will need to return them the following Friday.  If anyone is available to help with exchanging book baggies on Fridays at about 3:15, I'd love some help!

This week, we have been reading and exploring different personal narratives.  Students are learning what personal narratives should include or have in them.  They are learning how to begin personal narrative stories and they are also learning to find words that will be very descriptive for them to use in their own stories.

Our focus this week was to learn about making 10. Students explored what combinations of numbers they could use to make 10.  They will continue to use this skill as they grow as mathematicians.  Next week, we will learn to use the turn around rule.

Unit 2 Skills
o I can use the turn around rule (add numbers in any order to get the same answer).
o I can use the change-to-more or change-to-less diagrams to solve number stories.
o I can add and subtract within 10 using combinations of 10.
o I can answer simple questions about a tally chart.
o I can count and represent a number of objects within 20 using a written numeral.

Unit 2 Study Guide - You may use this to guide you in helping your child study for this Unit 2 Assessment.

Unit 2 IXL Skills - If you would like to, students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Social Studies
Students are currently planning and publishing pages for our class book about citizenship.  Early next week, we should be able to finalize it and get it up on Seesaw.

Purposeful Play
Students are really enjoying the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination.  I enjoy seeing the problem solving and collaboration that happens. Ask your child what he or she created!

Please see the Purposeful Play tab on the blog to learn more about our weekly Play Time and donation items we could use for it!

  • Read every night
  • Work on a math skill (i.e. adding and subtracting to 20 - play a board game for this, telling time, counting coins, measuring - length and volume -  have your child cook with you to practice this, talk about shapes - 2D and 3D - find items around your house, etc.) 
  • October Homework - This is all "Play based" to encourage the students build fine/gross motor skills, creativity and imaginative skills.

Important Dates

October 16 - October Scholastic Book Order Due