Enjoy your break!

Friday, March 31, 2017 No comments

I can't believe it's already spring break!  I hope you all enjoy the time together!  Thank you all for the warm welcome back; it has been great to see the kids again!


This week, students learned about book clubs.  We discussed what a book club is and how they work.  We also began reading books in order to hold our own book clubs.  Our focus in these book clubs is to discuss the characters in series books.  We will explore what the characters say and do in order to make inferences about the character.  We will then read more books with the same character to see how the character is similar in different books.

Book Baggies:
Please remind students to return their book baggies on Friday along with bookmarks and tracking sheets.  That way, if needed, I can change their levels and we can keep track of the books they are taking home.

This week we learned about persuasive writing.  Students are learning how to put together a statement of their opinion, give reasons for their opinion and then restate their opinion.  We will continue this when we return from spring break.

This week we began Unit 7.  This unit focuses on strategies to subtract and identifying attributes of shapes. This week, we reviewed fact families to see how addition and subtraction are related.  We also discussed how to use addition to help us subtract.  After the break, we will discuss more subtraction strategies and then begin learning how to identify the attributes of different shapes. 

Unit 7 Skills
I can write fact families
I can think addition to subtract
o I can use subtraction strategies
o I can name a rule used to sort shapes
o I can check whether my answer makes sense
o I can tell time to the hour
o I can find an unknown number using "What's My Rule?"

Unit 7 IXL Skills - Students may use IXL to help them practice these skills.

Social Studies
This week we wrote letters to our grandparents for our past/present social studies unit.  After spring break and as we wait for these letters to be returned, we will learn about maps and relative and absolute locations.

We are learning a lot about how to problem solve and work together during play!

April Homework
Here is a link to the April Play Based Homework

Important Dates

April 3-7: Spring Break
April 10: School Resumes
April 14: No School
April 21: Report Cards go home
April 28: Leadership Day: A Celebration of Learning (1:15-3:30)